Enabling accountability

If your library is using the SirsiDynix Symphony accountability module, you can restrict accessibility to assets by a number of different accountability options. You must set up the accountability policies in SirsiDynix Symphony WorkFlows and enable the policies in the system. When the accountability module is enabled, you can set accountability on assets and folders in Enterprise.

When you run Portfolio with the Symphony Accountability module enabled, the Searching interface will not provide search suggestions to patrons. None of the changes you make in Search Suggestions go into effect until you remove accountability for the system.

The accountability module includes the following options:

  • Clearance
  • Need to know
  • Restrictions
  • Citizenship

Access levels are another tier of security that you can use to provide security for assets and asset folders. Unlike the accountability options, access levels are administered through Portfolio. You can assign any of these levels to an asset or folder:

  • Extended Public
  • Public
  • Staff
  • Supervisor
  • System Admin

If your library does not have the SirsiDynix Symphony accountability module, you can still change the access level of each asset and folder in Portfolio.

Accountability and access levels limit accessibility to assets in both the Admin console and Searching interfaces. In the Admin console, access is restricted by folder and asset security (for more information, see Accountability in assets and Accountability in folders. In the Searching interface and in rooms, assets security is handled individually. If an asset has accountability or security properties enabled, Portfolio requires the patron to log in before opening the asset. This is true for all secured assets, including those accessed through a copied or emailed link.

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